chorégraphies Antoine Arbeit
Variability - a process of rhythmic ceremony is a choreographic ritual. By the intensive repetition of gestures, it drive us into an instinctive dance, where the movement is always transformed. Tirelessly, the three women on stage build a poetic ceremony, where a colorful harmony replace a dark chaos.
Artistic intention
Geometric shapes lie on the ground, unfolded, reflecting their paleness within a dark space. As the light rises, three characters work on stage to move them, bend them, build them. Gradually, a landscape appears like an imaginary place: the setting of this ceremony is defined as the beginning of a journey.
Variability is a ceremony dedicated to movement, inspired by the cycle of life. Based on the permanent sliding of a gesture towards another, it suggests an uninterrupted succession of movements, in the idea of a dance that always goes forward, towards the future.
On stage, bodies, scenography and music participate as a whole in this poetic ritual. At the center of this geometric and sonorous landscape, these three women, such as Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, the three godesses who unroll the thread of destiny in Greek mythology, unroll landscapes and time.
Variability - a process of rhythmic ceremony is therefore a magical ceremony, in which the performers shape and inhabit a singular world. Animated by the pleasure of sharing this complicit dance, they carry the gaze of the spectator in an ode to movement, communicating the pleasure of meeting, forming a group, sharing a unique moment of freedom.
Antoine Arbeit
Around the show

Creation 2022 • Currently in tour
• 45 minutes
• Stage
• Unconventional places
Choreography • Antoine Arbeit
Dance • Eve Bouchelot, Constance Diard, Lucie Gemon
Scenography • Diatom | Gwenaël Prost
Music • Loan Tran & Jöran Antoniw
Light • Florian Laze
Production • Cie Ex Novo
Ask the artistic file and the full video of the show

10.27.22 | l'Atheneum | Dijon, FR
03.09.23 | TU-Nantes, FR
03.23.23 | fest. Artdanthé | Vanves, FR
03.25.23 | fest. Art Danse | Dijon, FR
07.02.23 | Abbaye de Royaumont | Paris, FR
12.20.23 | EVE Scène universitaire | Le Mans, FR
Danse Dense - Pôle d'accompagnement pour l'émergence chorégraphique
Royaumont - abbaye & fondation
Le Dancing - CDCN Dijon Bourgogne Franche-Comté
L'atheneum - Centre culturel de l'Université de Bourgogne
Hors Limite(s) - Association NA / Compagnie Pernette
Institutional partners
DRAC Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Fondation Cléo Tiberge-Edrom, sous l'égide de la Fondation de France
Work places
Théâtre de Vanves - Scène conventionnée
Royaumont - abbaye & fondation
L'atheneum - centre culturel de l'uB
La Friche Artistique de Besançon - Cie Nathalie Pernette
Le Dancing - CDCN de Dijon Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Abbaye de Corbigny - Cie Les Alentours Rêveurs

Photos © Frédéric Iovino
Contemporary dance